Pros Arts Studio

Pros Arts Studio, a Pilsen community based visual and performance arts organization, seems like another great organization whose mission is basically to bring free visual, media, and performing arts programs to over 20 community centers and schools. This again is an impressive venture and I like the overarching theme this week in cyberped class of arts organizations in the city that link artists and their communities in a non-for-profit manner.

In reading about the organization from their site, I was interested in how the Pros Arts Studio’s work was a response to the community’s need for high-quality, deep-impact arts programs which engage youth in meaningful, positive experiences. Moreover, I was impressed with this organization's need and understanding to honor the community’s Mexican heritage. Based on this initiative alone, I would love to observe and hear more about the organizers and teacher's pedagogy.

Now, for the site critique...
As for the website's organization, it is easy to navigate to except for the homepage which you can only link to though it's exceptionally small logo that is located in the left hand corner. I also like the pictures throughout but feel that there should probably be more, especially of the kid's artwork. On that note, many of the images are high resolution photographs which make the site sometimes load slowly. Something else that I would change is the consistency of fonts and font sizes. On the home page, there are way too many fonts with way too many typos.

Again, though as the critic, I do realize like most of these organizations that we have been observing this week, having a web site alone is really great. Most of these organizations obviously do not have a design team and probably have one person who is creating this site in their spare time for free.


Meredith said...

Typos on their site!!! Unforgivable. I don't care if it's a volunteer handling a site. We don't turn in papers with typos; the newspaper doesn't publish stories with typos; and organizations simply cannot PUBLISH (public!) websites with typos. And if the mistakes are that blatant - fix them!!! It's a matter of credibility and respectability.

Cyberpedagogy said...

a fair criticism about typos. it only takes a minute for someone to proofread a site. but also i think a fair response from kirsten. there may not even be that one guy doing the site. and once it's up, oftentimes no one at the organization may know how to fix it! resources are stretched and they just can't figure it out. you feel for them, but yes, typos make a place seem not as professional or together as they may actually be.

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