Mess Hall

Messy? Kind of...but who doesn't like things a little messy once in a while?

So after checking out the organization and site of Mess Hall, I was once again inspired by this concept of a space where artists creatively and thoughtfully discuss art, politics, urban planning, and eco design. Personally, I found this type of experience in the corner bar in my old neighborhood in Bucktown, but hey it's nice to see a community of people who basically found a space in Rogers Park for this primary purpose and it is not based around least that I know of. I also like how over time this space which I got at from reading their history was founded by a few "keyholders" and with time became a great place to host exhibitions, discussions, film screenings, food, workshops, concerts, campaigns and meetings. Again, it has a similar feel to it that the Community Arts Organization does and I like the motivation of this group of people who come together to share stuff from objects to ideas.

So onto the site evaluation of Mess Hall. So the site is a little messy but based on the idea that they probably don't have a great deal of money and or web designers/developers to create it, I think it is pretty great. I love the rotating images on the front page and the fact that I could find everything easily. I also was interested in their new blog that they recently added to the site. This is exactly the kind of organization which really needs a blog and it was a great read.


Meredith said...

hmm, maybe we should run with that "corner bar - intellectual salon - arts organization" concept and start a new space! ;)

it's great, like you pointed out, that this org and CAD are the products of a creative group of folks who wanted a place for people to come together. but i wonder why these creative groups of artists who start cool initiatives rarely happen to have web designers among them. they need some free/cheap services from skilled designers who really understand the organization's character and mission.

Cyberpedagogy said...

web designers are one thing, but i think a bigger problem many groups run into is a good space to host an active website, and the funds to maintain something with any kind of bandwidth. the logistics behind flaws all too often are not apparent when a site comes up short. there most likely is a reason.

in my opinion, all arts organizations should be required to have a corner bar in place. nothing gets ideas flowing like a six pack. :)

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