Art Education 2.0

I have just joined the website, Art Education 2.0. It's a site for people like me who are interested in exploring and incorporating new technology to enhance and transform art education. The site's "aim is to explore ways of using Web 2.0 and other digital technologies to promote effective art education practices, encourage cultural exchanges and joint creative work, and support artistic projects, curricular activities, and professional development opportunities deemed important by the members."
In critically analyzing this site, I found that this site is a great way to network with those who are interested in using new technology in art classrooms. Through exploring the site, which you need to set up a profile for to use, one can participate through forums, groups, blogging, photo and video sharing, and RSS. This site is also set up for someone who is new to incorporating technology into the art room to those who are experienced technology users.
In terms of design, I felt that it was well organized and inviting to the user. I especially liked how on the home page there is a section where you can see all of the members of the site. I actually see my nerdy little avatar on it right now. :) I also liked how when I signed up, the web master sent me a nice little email about the site and asked me if I had any questions. I've never had that from anyone before on a website. Pretty amazing and so far, I'm impressed!


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