Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA)

About six years ago I was working at the MCA and the entire staff there at the time for the most part, disliked the website because of its functionality and lack of information. It's amazing to think that since then, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago's site has become in my opinion, exceptionally impressive.

Compared to other contemporary art museums across the country, this website is one of the best. So to not bore you with details, I decided the best way to explain my reactions to this site is to present it in a list format.

The Homepage

  • a clear vision of information
  • easy to navigate
  • an interesting interactive aspect, not too overly "flashy"
  • soothing monochromatic background color scheme which allow the colors of the art to standout
  • quick important information in the plan your visit section
  • the adaptability of the homepage which can easily be changed for the next featured artist or event
The Exhibitions and Performances Sections
  • clear arrangement of the exhibit and performances information, from the dates the events will take place to the images of the work
  • well thought out links to the current, upcoming and past exhibits and performances information
The Programs and Events Section
  • clear arrangement of the section
  • entertaining images - I especially liked the picture of the girl on First Fridays. Not to offend if you know this girl but she looks like the kind of girl who would go to this event, pearls and all...this picture not decieving if you have ever been to a first friday.
The Education Section
  • since I have worked at the MCA, they have really focused more attention to this area, offering a lot more great workshops and resources (yeah!)
  • I am interested in checking out the podcasts and am excited to see their blogs when they figure this one out
  • if you haven't found or checked out the MCA's online teacher resource book, make sure you do. I think they have some great ideas and helpful resources.
The Store
  • when I was working at the MCA, they did not have their store online
  • this is a great addition and I like the arrangement of the information


Cyberpedagogy said...

i'll be curious to hear your responses about the visit now that i know you used to work at the mca! and it's very interesting to hear your perspective and contrasts with the website of just a few years ago. i agree that much of it is clear and concise, and still well-designed. makes you just want to go down there and see some art.

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