Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future

Honestly, that is the title of the book not just my personal mission as an artist and a teacher...even though it kind of is.

After our 21st century discussion last class, I thought about the book called, A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink. I read this book about a year ago and recommend it to any of those who are interested in 21st century education. This book is actually written for the business world, which I think is great for any of us art educators. It talks a lot about how the "future belongs to those with a different kind of mind: designers, inventors, teachers and story tellers - creative and empathetic right-brain thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't." Pink claims we're living in a different era, a different age. An age in which those who "Think different" may be valued even more than ever.

"...an age animated by a different form of thinking and a new approach to life — one that prizes aptitudes that I call 'high concept' and 'high touch.' High concept involves the capacity to detect patterns and opportunities, to create artistic and emotional beauty, to craft a satisfying narrative....High touch involves the ability to empathize with others, to understand the subtleties of human interaction..."

— Dan Pink, A Whole New Mind


Meredith said...

oooh this books sounds awesome! i'm definitely going to check it out.

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