Edvard Munch Show @ the ARTIC

On Friday, February 13th I went to see the Edvard Munch show at the Art Institute of Chicago. It was quite and interesting exhibit of work and I recommend going if you have the time. Personally, I liked the way the Art Institute juxtaposed similar artists and themes relevant to the time period when Edvard Munch was working. It actually helps you to understand how innovative and yes, disturbed Munch really was. I also did decide to listen to the audio portion of the exhibit and found that Much wasn't making any money selling his work because most people found him too upsetting. The people of the time deemed his work more like something you would see in a "freak show." Munch recognized this and decided to work with the gallery showing his art and charge admission just for people to see the art because he knew that they weren't going to buy it. I felt that this was pretty ingenious of him and thought it was a interesting story to share.

I also went to see the show on opening day which was a private event for members only. My friend Patti took me to see it with her and was surprised that we don't get in for free as Art Institute students. I told her that we had a similar conversation in our class and the feeling was mutual. Regardless, it was quite a different experience going to the show with all of the elite members of the Art Institute. Not only was I able see the art without the large mobs, I also had the rare opportunity to listen to the patrons. One of my favorite lines of the day was the man behind me who told his wife that he "would never put any of these artworks in his dining room." Needless to say, I thought that was pretty humorous and I honestly wish I could have one of his works for my dining room. Anyway, it was a good experience and if any of you are thinking about dishing out the money to go see it, I think it is worth it.


Cyberpedagogy said...

thanks for the scoop on the show. i haven't been over to the museum for quite some time, and am going to have to try and make my way in to check out the munch show. and i'm sure there were many more choice bits shared by the exclusive patrons while you were previewing the show. maybe you can share a couple more in class tomorrow night. :)

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